Back from Reisterstown

I wanted to blog while I was there.  I really did.  I probably would have if my son would just get wi-fi.  I could sit at the kitchen table in good light  and tap away.  But he says no.  Some of his friends would never leave.  I understand.  He plugged my laptop into his desktop so I could have internet, but the light is not good and I couldn’t get comfortable.  He did have some really great movies.  Like The Wolfman.  I got goose pimples in the first minute.  I loved it!  It’s not for kids, my daughter, or my husband. 

Speaking of my daughter, I called her when I got there.  She was on the corner at the gas station so she came over.  And she came bearing gifts–five to be exact.  What could be better than Disney antenna toppers?  I told Doug that I can never buy a car without an antenna. 

I came home to dust everywhere.  I don’t care.  Progress is being made.  That’s what is important.  When my neighbor had an addition done, she cleaned everything every evening.  She says she feels sorry for me.  I guess she assumes that I do the same thing.  Doesn’t she know me by now?  The toilets don’t look bad.  What more do you want?

Here’s my new closet.  It runs the length of the new room minus the door of course.

Here I am standing inside the closet.   See my rolling cart?  I have six and I can ten in here.  There will be shelves all along the wall.  I wonder how long it will take me to fill it?

Flo is always helpful.

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